The color scheme of this 3 column template is pleasing, with cream colour as background combined with brown and green. The header is quite narrow, so you can use your blog logo instead of an image. The menu bar can be customized and on the right corner is the search box.
The main column format is standard with the author name, date and labels below the headline and comments at the end of the post. The sidebar has a 'About' section to add your image and text, and this is followed by 125x125 format ads, which can be customised or removed if it doesn't suit your blog theme.
The sidebar column is split into two, so you add other features, widgets etc. Each section, for instance, labels comes with a green icon. We are currently using this Green Tech 2 theme for Clyde's technology blog. Its a decent template to use for your blog!
Download the Green Tech 2 Blogger Theme
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